This recipe is old-fashioned mac and cheese, without a heavy white sauce to make first. The combination of evaporated milk and egg replaces the flour as...
Looking for an easy way to serve eggs to a crowd? Use a blender to quickly whisk the eggs together, then bake on a sheet pan until the texture is custardy-more...
A childhood favorite gets fancy: Root beer granita is topped with vanilla ice cream, then drizzled with root beer syrup. Try making this with a microbrew...
Grilling the pasta makes it entirely new, adding a smoky flavor and the occasional browned crunchy bit of pasta, which is delicious. Find out how to do...
The unusual name of this cake, also known as "Crazy," "Mixed-Up," "Mix-in-the-Pan," or "Three-Hole" cake, was inspired from the fact that the ingredients...